Cosmetic Treatment

Cosmetic Dentistry Dentist in Plantation General Dentistry Artisa Dental (754) 755-6350

Smiles matter, probably more than we realize. If you're confident, you smile more. If you smile more, you feel more confident. Don’t like your current smile? Fortunately, Cosmetic treatment at Artisa dental can be as simple as replacing a missing tooth, correcting misshapen or discolored teeth, or replacing many teeth to provide a beautiful smile.  Dr. Natalia Matute’s passion for enhancing smiles comes from restoring patient's smiles to improve their self image and dental health.

Artisa Dental is a premier dentistry clinic located in the heart of South Florida. We are led by renowned dentist Dr. Natalia Matute and are expert in the application a host of dental procedures including cosmetic treatment. If you’d like more information, feel free to give us a call or drop by our office!



Bay Harbor
